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Sunday, January 27, 2008

i think suharto died for his own good. haha okay who cares.

right. i need to blog bout my birthday; it's the smallest thing i can do in return to acknowledge all of them/you for their/your efforts.

has anyone ever had a week-long celebration? my goodness la this year's was nothing short of extraordinary.

the celebration started on SUNDAY the 20th, 3 days before the actual day. enos got me a very last minute cake and celebrated with our class. thank you, it was really nice of you. :)

monday, ate pizza hut with classmates ie shah guillaume karl, and miffy whom i dragged along, and somehow it turned into some informal celebration. or at least they said it was, and offered to treat me, although i declined. lol.

tuesday it was shah guillaume and miffy again. this time the guys were the ones dragged along. haha. miff got me a swissbake choc truffle cake aaaahhh!!! ate indo bbq at ps foodcourt (we were on budget la) and sang bday song and all. weeeird but interesting! hehe. then we all kena-ed the choc powder it was damn funny. thank you miffy i love you to bits.

i shall skip wednesday first. -grin-

thurs was my family's celebration, mama got me a banana chocolate cake (looks like my weakness for chocolate is really well-known) from the royals. thank you mummy daddy gabriel i love you loads. (:

friday was a break haha. then saturday had yet another cake with the dancers (mango this time, it was a january babies celebration, but still as good!), and another one with my ypm cell, mango also. lol. today the first session teachers sang me happy birthday again. yes, i had seven cakes and eight birthday songs in total xDD

WEDNESDAY, ahem! i walked up to my og's meeting place and tadaah there was this huge happy birthday andrea banner hung up there. apparently the guys stayed back after school to do it oh mannn. very pleasantly surprised :) then cos i always come so early, there were only 4 of them there, and they popped out from somewhere and sang happy birthday. a while later wanxin came with cake, mmm. THANK YOU OG i am significantly touched!! -hug-

that was og. my wunnerful class (have i mentioned what an extremely awesome class im in? -exclaims-) wrote me a card, which nata designed. freaking professional. o.O
olly and her bought me a really glam white tote lol (go basketballers!), and about 7 ppl shared the cost. i think nata olly shah guillaume leonard sudana james. pok la you guys rockkk. xD

then!!! the highlight highlight buh bighlight (shit im sounding like jontay) was at nighttt after dance when i met them (zhangs clara jon jon wayne shawn jem aaron joseph chris) at city hall. or more specifically, met zhangs, who led me, and she did a very good job of stalling time i must say, to wherever they planned to celebrate. it turned out to be esplanade library's arts cafe, where we had owning dinner. rahh! it was quite funny, cos we all tried to keep our volume down and stuff. it was a library after all. haha. anyway!

i left after that to go toilet, then when i came back i got the shock of my life. they were playing my birthday song on the freaking instruments!!!! i came in and my jaw just dropped. i sat down on the throne (cushion stool) of honour and they presented the heart-shaped, awfully chocolate cake aaaahhh i almost melted into nothingness there and then.

it dint stop there. there was also the hugeass (twice of your normal vanguard sheet sized) card that they so lovingly put together, with all the memorable pictures.
and thennnn they gave me this tiny box in this tiny bag.
"nah, your present."
"dont tell me it's necklace or earring againnn ah."
-opens box- (it said d'meyson's jewellery on the outside, so i was like shruggs. oops how wrong i was to think that!! haha.)
i saw a glittery cross pendant.
"ooh.. haha thank you."

"eh it's a diamond pendant leh. silver-gold too."
-andrea does a double take-

oh my woooooordddd. i squeezed the price out of jon lim, it was freaking 180. a hundred and eighty bucks. sent my mind into a whirl. no one's ever spent so crazy much on a present for me before. i was speechless for a whole minute i think. the best/worst (i cant decide which) part is this: i found out that only wayne shawn and jem shared the cost for it, but they said it was everyone. aaahhhhh i love you guys to BITS. thank you sooo much.

then we ate cake and played stupid games at the rooftop garden, the atmosphere was so super duper romantic, so i guess we spoiled more than a few pairs of couples' making out time. HAHA sucks to you! well then finally, after a lot more camwhoring (of course), we went home. i felt so overwhelmed with love. i still do! haha.


darling miffy.

the pendant.

haha wayne you look dumb.

of all the birthdays i've had, and planned, i've never seen a more amazing, fantastic one. i was seriously dangerously close to tearing. thank you all so so so so much, i cant seem to say it enough. it was so much more than i'd dared imagine it to be. and thank You God, for such awesome friends. i wouldnt trade you guys for the world!! -HUUUUUUG-

wooooh so that was my birthdayweek. i feel like a princess. a very very much loved princess indeed.

it would've been absolutely perfect if you were here too. but dont worry, they took good care of me :)


i took a break;
5:52 AM

Saturday, January 19, 2008

missing orientation a lot, as you can tell! haha.

today was our first dance session. we had PT. ran five rounds, and did a whole hour and a half of crazy stretching and conditioning. freak! and rj pe is really hardcore. sprinted 5 rounds and did conditioning for second lesson. mama pok. but it feels so shuang to workout. pe was yesterday late morning, then after school played badminton with the people again, then first thing in the morning today dance, after that rushed to church for more dance. if this keeps up every week im gonna be super fit in no time xD

wah do i sound incoherent or what. shacked beyond belief, i am.

byebye james, take care and beware the transvestites in thailand. dont forget to get me a fake coach bag. welcome back clara, i wish i could've stayed at the airport till 12 but certain restraints like parents and exhaustion kept me from doing so. cant wait to see you!

i took a break;
7:12 AM

Thursday, January 10, 2008

jc life has been quite a lot of fun, probably because of the ultra slack first week timetable haha. but it brings with it its share of headaches as well. aahh.

the fun part first. my class! im so glad the guys are nice and friendly. hehe okay la i shant be so biased against ri ppl anymore. nata and i hardly know the girls, so we're closer to them. oh no, that cant be too good. but oh well, they're really fun-loving. played frisbee and captain's ball with them and lots of other ppl today at parade square, girls against guys-and of course they owned us. -.- but it was only cos they had height. chuh. we had skill that they couldnt match! ahaha. then went for math lecture all sweaty and red. quite happening la.

have four free blocks in total tmrw, but us being smart people, we planned our itinery already! gonna play taboo and charades and captain's and frisbee again, besides mugging for math. :) yayay.

oops i gtg for dinner now i just told jon and jabez not to be late hehe. i have a feeling they'll be anyway! lol. i miss the bunch so so much la. ugh! cant wait for gab's thanksgiving dinner this sun. wooh.

will you stop it with the stalking pleeease. me not saying anything doesnt mean i dont know. i dont wanna have to be mean. i really dont. argh. yes feel my frustration.

anyway, to the rest, have a great weekend :)

i took a break;
2:13 AM

Sunday, January 06, 2008

okay jan update, since someone is asking for it. who? tell me leh.

anyway, orientation's been really fun so far. it dint start with a bang, in fact i was yawning my head off on the first day. but then it built up and thursday and friday have been so exciting. i guess it's what you make of it. if you're enthu and you make your group enthu too then everyone'll have a lot more fun. mm.

sat and sun was spent with my lovely darlings from church grrarh missed them so much!! jon's right, we're so much a part of each others' lives already, not seeing them for 3 days straight is extremely strange and unbearable. haha. but then we caught up a lot within these 2 days. went clara's place to eat dinner today with zhangs james jon jon wayne jinyang jabez. salmon baked rice was ownage. :) before that i played cards with the guys for like half an hour then got a stupid stomachache. haha dumb me.

the last time i went there was when zhangs jon jon wayne and i stayed over. i'll never forget those crazy two days. we're damn tight now, the seven of us, including shawn. it's wonderful.

then there're the older guys from cm who hang out with us too, taiyong caleb tim evan james. they're cool people, and good people to learn from. evan spent an entire hour talking to me bout jc. haha thanks! taiyong, i'll keep you in prayer.

mmm lemme see what else. oh im taking the p5 class in 1st session this year (the one with gabriel gan! haha) . zhangs moved up to 1st too, but she's taking p3. im still a bit apprehensive bout attending bilingual service, but i'll trust God about where He's leading me. both of us are vbs vice-chairs, and meimei's chair. yayay! keep us and the camp in prayer please thank you soo much.

God anchor my feet firmly to the ground and dont let me drift anywhere You dont want me to. thank You!

random stuff: i miss gabriel lee!

i took a break;
7:14 AM


She's 17 as of 23 jan 2008. She's a child of God. She loves dancing. the rest you'll find out yourself. ((:





andrea TAN
isaac chong
jia en
jon lim


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