shall this be a ranty post? suddenly i feel very audrey. audrey=ranty. haha the funny ass. xD
"maybe we should just sit down and die."-during pe, when a few of us blur people couldnt find where the rest of the class was running. or was supposed to run, anyway. the whole lot of us cracked up lawl. cos we were all feeling extra sian and bored anyway. then i was telling her that our pe teachers have been getting slacker and slacker every year: in sec one, we were made to run around the school; sec two, we ran around the track; sec three, we CHOSE the number of rounds we wanted to run; sec four, we either dont run or run around the netball courts. and that's a good thing! hahaha. see i am such a no-lifer i actually blog about pe teachers. o.O
no life no life no life. basically my existence (yes that's what it is) now consists of work work work, getting brain-fried and confused and highly amused all at the same time (by a certain teacher i see 9 out of ten school days), slaving for the school by dancing 5-6 out of seven days a week, laughing at the smallest things.
i think about the amount of time i spend dancing, and trust me, it's quite scary. ahaha. lemme show you my horrifying schedule:
monday-founder's day/cheerleading
wednesday-FD (stupid time-waster)/cheerleading
thursday-maybe cheerleading if im not lazy
(cheerleading's only on sat and one other day in the week la dont get so freaked out hahaha. im not that hardworking or stupid to commit suicide by organising so many pracs.) siao ting tong. i hereby declare that phrase the favourite three words of the day. and dont ask me why but im suddenly having this uncontrollable fetish for using brackets even in my SPEECH. like i'll say smth then randomly insert some further explanation under my breath then carry on. am i siao ting tong or what.
haaaiyaaa. i miss church ppl so much. :( and i just found out from anzie that (haha) girls who hang out together a lot often get their periods around the same time. then i was like ohhh my goodness that's so true zhangwei and i got it on the saame day for like 3 consecutive months alr. xD and it's scientific!! the bio video said so. LOL.
i remember being awed at the fact that im sixteen. what's sixteen anyway, is it supposed to be glam/cool or angsty/in-between/nowhere, or is it supposed to be more towards the maturing side or the still-immature side? either way, i dont feel.. worthy. to be sixteen. shurrup bout the kiddy jokes okay. JESUS SAID: if you dont become like a little child, then you WONT be able to enter His kingdom. HA. back atcha. xD
okay i think my eyelash just found its way into my eye (AGAINN) and i'll hafta go pluck it out or smth >< so that's all for today! =)
im growing up. and i cant stop it.
i took a break;
6:14 AM