anyway i did NOT use a Dictionary xD
"first, the magician makes a pledge to the audience." jonathan lim is very accurately and completely so, a male.
"next comes the turn, when the magician takes something ordinary and turns it into something extraordinary." i.e. jon's legs and some others are captured on a camera, and viola! guess which one it is!
now i dont know bout you but to me allll those very sexy legs seem very... female. my choice, difficult though it may be, was that jon's legs were the extreme left pair, since it was (in comparison) the tannest and the biggest. (what other word is there -.-)
"and now, the final act-which is called the prestige."
wronggg! his legs are in the middle.
tut tut tut tut. andrea goes mad after exams.
sorry math tutor im gonna let you down. i did try my best i did i did. sigh.
oh and something struck me yesterday. the letter 'd' can be said to be the most horrible letter in the alphabet, if you so much as consider the multitude of bad words it represents.
daunting disgusting devastating destructive desperate despair disappointment discombobulation discomfort discontent devil depressing degenerating deteriorating death decay degrade dun demoralise discourage disillusioned damned desecrate
anyway my point is, no letter in the english alphabet can rival the number of negative words this letter can represent.
i took a break;
8:12 AM